zondag 6 mei 2012

Make over

I'm sorry I haven't made blogpost in a while (again!) but I've just been dealing with me and my emotions and it's hella tiring. I haven't been able to concentrate or go to school and I have moments when I just feel like I could fall through the earth because of some big ass brick I feel in my stomach. Some days are better than others but the feeling never goes away. I'm hoping it will. If it was only a little bit of a sad feeling that you could get rid of by crying and getting a hug from your boyfriend. But it's not. This is a different kind of sadness, something I've never felt before. On the really bad moments it's almost immobilizing. And I worry. I worry about not being able to do my exams in June because I can't concentrate for the life of me. I worry that I'll keep feeling this feeling for ever. I worry that my boyfriend will dump/cheat on me because I have massive fear of abandonement issues right now. Most of the time I just feel one of those worries but when they all come together it SUCKS BALLS. Luckily I think my boyfriend loves me so that's one thing. But the rest is still scary. Now I will awkwardly change this depressing post into a hair post. Life is awkward sometimes. I can't give my poor readers depressing posts and no eyecandy!

After having my awesome and eternally flattering bob-haircut for two years in a row (which is a long time for me, I've been switching haircuts and lengths a lot since I turned twelve or something) I started lusting after short hair again. I'm always lusting after short hair. There's something about it, if it's the right short cut that frames a face the right way... I find it incredibly attractive. Haircuts like these always make me want to chop my hair immediately:

I want to marry the Michelle Williams picture. How adorable is she?! Anyhoo, I don't keep lusting very long. I'm a do-er! So peoples, here is my new 'do!

I'm so happy with it, I found an awesome new hairdresser thanks to my sister and he did an amazing job. It's exactly what I asked for and I feel awesome with it. And I still have enough hair to play around with my signature bright hairdyes! How do you feel about short hair? Padapapapa, are you lovin' it? :-D Also, check out my awesome eye make-up!:
My 100 shadow palette is one of the best things ever. And a little tip for girls who want to chop their hair but are afraid of what their boys are going to say: they'll nag before you go to the hairdresser but when you come back they'll just love the fact that they can see your face even better. :-D

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Deze reactie is verwijderd door een blogbeheerder.

  2. MY GOSH YOU LOOK AWESOME!!! This haircut is so perfect on you, it really highlights your face. You look gorgeous, my friend :)

    Now, after this enthusiasm, back to serious things. That kind of sadness never goes away, but i'm sure that very, very slowly you'll feel better and that the pain will be every day (or month, or year) smaller. Said that, you'll feel grief for the rest of your life, or so I think I'll feel if I had a terrible experience like yours. But you have to be strong (and I know you ARE).
    Plus, I'm sure that Glenn won't dump you or cheat on you. Even if I don't know him personally I know that he's just not that kind of guy. You just can't dump or cheat on your soulmate, am I right?
    Lots of hugs!

    Life is a romantic poem

  3. Hang in there, dear girl! What you're now going through, must be my biggest fear. Only time will help mend the pain. You're too young to deal with stuff like that... Long distance hugging coming your way. Don't try to worry about school, it won't run away.

    On other hand, you show how brave you're by still functioning and your new hair is all kinds of awesome sauce! I don't think I'd ever dare to cut my hair so short. Even a bob would be a challenge for me :)

  4. Hey darlin; I'm sorry to hear that you're going through such hard times right now, Just remember that no matter what you are the person in control of your emotions, you are the master mind of your mind, it's very hard to take that control but once you try every day gets better, there will be down falls but you can always get away from them if you concentrate on being in control. I hope things turn up for ya darlin!

    your hair rocks, it looks amazing on you, you're a total babe, i love the haircut on you :)


  5. Why must your hair always be so amazing? I love the cut! :)

    And I hope you get past whatever sadness you're going through, life can be tough sometimes.

  6. IT LOOKS SOOOOOOOO AMAZINGGGGGGG!! I am always so envious of your excellent hair. I hope you start to feel a bit happier soon. I am sending you virtual hugs and cake. :)

  7. I love the eyeshadow and your hair :DD Hope you're feeling lots better soon too, I get like that a lot, plus i'm a massive worrier :( it SUCKS.
